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Far 2.101 PDF Form: What You Should Know

Nov 5, 2025 — A. In accordance with FAR, an acquisition shall not be a commercial item unless it meets all the following conditions: (1) the D&F is a single item  or one or more items on an ongoing basis; (2) the D&F is on the same project or series of projects; or (3) (e) The approval, approval number, or requisition number on the document may reflect the nature of the D&F. (f) An acquisition may  be a commercial item if it meets the following requirements: (1) It is a “new initiative” that  invokes a new regulatory requirement for acquisition; Federal Acquisition Regulation 2.101 — Govini FEDERAL AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY REGULATION FEDERAL AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY REGULATION, TITLE 46, SUBTITLE FIVE, PART 548 GENERAL EXECUTIVE ORGANIZATION, MANAGERS, AND DIRECTORS Oct 22, 1990 — (a) The Administrator of FAA or designate, shall determine whether an operation or event is a “controlled accident” as it relates to the management, operations, or conduct of the operation. (1) If no controlled accident has been determined, an operation or event is not a “controlled accident.” (2) If a controlled accident exists, the Administrator shall enter as the outcome of the operation or event a “controlled accident.” (3) If a controlled accident is determined to have occurred, an official of the Federal Aviation Administration, or his or her designee, shall review and manage the operation or event as if the controlled accident had occurred. The decision of whether a controlled accident has occurred shall be deemed to reflect FAA decision making. (b) In conducting the review, the official shall review the information relating to the operation or event relating to: (1) the nature and severity of the accident and its aftermath; (2) the number, identity, and location of all persons involved, including their status (aircraft, ground personnel, passengers, aircraft owners, FAA personnel, etc); and (3) the adequacy or limitations of the FAA's emergency response and recovery systems. After the review, the official may include the following as a factor in the review: (1) The adequacy of the operational and disaster plan developed by the owner and all of its assigned FAA personnel; Federal Acquisition Regulation 2.

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