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Far 52.212-4 (january 2024) Form: What You Should Know

FELOCERTAIN PROPERTY (SEPTEMBER 2016) or for any extension, sublet, sale or swap, for which payment is not accepted or provided, 52.212-7 FAR GENERAL PROVISIONS FAR GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 2: General Provisions. The Contractor shall, from the time of acceptance by the Contracting Officer of the Contractor's bid or after the close of the auction, if a bid is received, in accordance with the specifications that will govern the Contractor's bid in effect from the time of acceptance, proceed at its own expense, or if a bid will be accepted, but the Contractor is not present, shall at its own expense proceed at its own peril: 52.212-8 FAR GENERAL PROVISIONS DEVIATION FEB 2007 the Contractor shall use the best efforts to have a bidder compete at an entry price lower than the one originally offered or the bidder, the other contracting officer, its representative or his designee in writing provide written notice to the Contractor, to its representative or designee within three (3) working days prior to the date of presentation of the highest bid, giving the basis for the bid being withdrawn, explaining all the following: (a) The nature of the problem in question and the nature of the work involved; (b) The nature and extent of the knowledge that the bidder has of the problem and solution; (c) The nature and extent of the assistance and the knowledge of the bidder necessary to the achievement of the solution; and  (d) The nature of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the bidder. The Contractor shall negotiate its bids in accordance with the specifications that will govern the Contractor's bid in effect from the time of acceptance, or the bidder, the other contracting officer, its representative or its designee in writing provide written notice to the Contractor, to its representative or designee within three (3) working days prior (DEVIATION FEB 2007) within fourteen (14) days of the date of bid release or the date of bid acceptance, giving the basis for the bid being withdrawn (DEVIATION FEB 2007) stating the facts that establish the violation being alleged against the bidder. (a) Failure to provide the notice required in FAR 52.212-8.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Far 52.212-4 (january 2025.

Instructions and Help about Far 52.212-4 (january 2025.

Music, hi, I'm Benny Gonzalez, and welcome to Supplier University. Today, I'm going to give you an overview of SU 350 contract disputes. Now, who is targeted for this particular course? Well, as always, our small business firms, those firms that want to do business with the government in this case, the Federal Acquisition system. Also targeted are going to be our prime contractors, those firms that already have a contract with the government and basically want to understand more about their roles and responsibilities should there be a dispute. Also targeted are our subcontractors, yes, those firms that have ambitions of being primes or who are comfortable being a subcontractor but basically want to understand more about the subject. Last but not least, our RP Tech counselors, those individuals that are associated with the nonprofit procurement technical assistance centers and who help small businesses navigate through the federal acquisition system. Now, what are we going to be covering in this particular course? Well, we have five chapters. Our first chapter has to do with definitions. Now, we have this particular chapter in all our courses, and the reason is that we want to be able to talk about some of the terms and concepts associated with the course so we don't have to be repetitive or redundant as we go through the course and have to define it for you when we reach it. We want to do it in the front end so you get an idea of what's to come. Right? The other chapter that we have in all our courses is planning and preparation. This is so important for all of you that are interested out there, but primarily for our small businesses because it gives them an idea of what it is that they have to...